How Often Should You Water Your Peace Lily? A Plant Care Guide

Your peace lily is a beautiful plant and star of many party hallways and offices. You can even find them wrapped around ornate furniture posts. Peace lilies are one of the most versatile plants you can grow in your garden.


It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment or have a big yard – these plants will add life and color to any planted space. Peace lilies are easy to care for but need regular watering to thrive.


This article will tell you how often you should water your peace lily and provide tips on ensuring that your plant is getting enough moisture. With proper peace lily care, it can live for a long time! But make sure you're watering it correctly.


Let's get started.


The Importance of Watering Your Peace Lily

Peace lilies are a great addition to any garden, but they need a little care. Keep reading to learn how often you should water your peace lily and what kind of soil conditions it prefers.


Watering your peace lily properly is crucial for its overall health and growth. While it requires quite a bit of water to survive and grow, too much water can damage the roots and make them susceptible to disease or rot.


The first thing to remember about watering your peace lily is that it can't survive in dry soil. It needs plenty of moisture to grow well and flower freely. To keep the plant happy, give it a good soak once every day or two during the warmer months.


You'll also need to make sure that you have good drainage around your peace lily. Peace lilies are prone to root rot if there isn't enough drainage around their roots.


They also require moist soil for them to thrive—this means that if you're having trouble keeping your peace lily healthy, you might want to consider adding more potting soil or a layer of gravel on top of the soil below (but don't bury its roots).


How Often do You Water Your Peace Lily

When should you water your peace lily? That's a tough question to answer, but here's what we can tell you.


A simple and effective method of watering a peace lily is to place it in the sink - this is the best way to water it. The water should be poured on top of the soil slowly until it drips from the center of the Pot until the liquid has run out.


After draining thoroughly, return the plant to its drain saucer to let it drain completely again. Ensure that the plant is never left in a pool of water for long periods, as a disease caused by extra moisture is one of the leading causes of plant death in houses.


Your peace lilies prefer to be watered twice a week. You can give them water as needed or every other day, depending on the weather and other factors unique to your garden.


If you're unsure if they need watering, wait at least one week before watering again. Water at least once a week for best results for this plant.


Creating the same watering conditions in your garden as they would be in their native habitat is essential if you wish to grow peace lilies in your home successfully.

The Consequences of Overwatering your Peace Lily

Overwatering can cause problems with your peace lily's health, especially if you use a container to house it. Peace lily may become root-bound, making it difficult for the plant to grow new roots.


The leaves of peace lily will also become brown and wilted because they don't get enough water. In addition, overwatered plants can be prone to disease because they aren't getting enough oxygen from the air around them.


Overwatering your peace lily can cause several problems, including.


  • The roots of your peace lily will rot.
  • Overwatering is the number one cause of death and decline in peace lilies.
  • The roots will rot, which can damage the plant.
  • Leaves may turn yellow, brown, or die completely.
  • The soil will become soggy and unhealthy.


Overwatering can also cause an imbalance in nutrients. When plants have too little or too much of one nutrient, they will not be able to absorb everything they need from the soil or water. This can result in a soil pH imbalance which causes leaves to be yellow or die prematurely.


This can happen when you're not paying attention to your plant's needs or if you don't have a plan for how much water it needs. If you have a peace lily in your home, it's important to pay attention to the amount of water it needs.

How Often to Water Peace Lily in Winter

There is no dormancy period for peace lilies in Winter, and they can continue to grow actively all year long. Due to reduced light hours and light intensity during Winter, growth does slow down (peace lilies need bright indirect light).


Cooler average temperatures can also reduce evaporation and leaf water loss, lowering the water demand. Indoor temperatures can fluctuate more during Winter, causing plants to dry out more quickly due to artificial heat sources.


Due to the drying effects of forced air from radiators and forced air from forced air heaters in the Winter, you may need to water and mist spray the peace lily more frequently to counteract the drying effects of indoor heat.


When you notice the peace lily drying out too quickly, feel the top inch of soil and water it more frequently if it is losing moisture too quickly.


Drooping leaves indicate when the peace lily is too dry, and they will tell you by how they look. It is a good idea to give the plant a generous soak of water after drought stress or dried soil has affected it.

How Often to Water Peace Lily in Summer

Watering your peace lily is vital to its health and appearance. Despite popular belief, most peace lilies are not drought-tolerant—they must be watered regularly during hot weather.


However, they can survive with a little less water than other plants. To determine how often you should water your peace lily in summer, check the soil under the Pot and the top of your plant.


If you find it dry, it's time to water. The ideal water regime for this plant is to water it once every week or so, depending on your climate. In hot climates, you may need to water it more often.


While it is true that peace lilies do well in houses where the air is at least 65°F (18°C) at daytime and 50°F (10°C) at nighttime, it is important to acknowledge the fact that even if there is enough moisture in the air to support this plant, the air in our homes is often too dry to provide sufficient nourishment.

Self-watering Pot best for Peace Lily

Peace lily enhances the beauty of the house and brings peace and prosperity. Only a few indoor plants bloom, and this is one of them. Spathiphyllum is an evergreen plant with a white spathe-like structure enclosing its flowers, hence the name, which refers to the white foliage of the plant.  


During the early summer, peace lilies bloom elegantly and require little maintenance in the home or office. The Planterhoma self-watering Pot is an aesthetically designed, high-quality self-watering pot that ensures that the plant gets exactly the right amount of water and can be left without water for a week.


Using self-watering pots properly is a good idea with leca balls if you plan on growing peace lilies in them. With the assistance of a self-watering pot, you can ensure that your peace lily is watered evenly daily. Check out the new Self watering head  planter for peace lily.


Which mimics the plant's natural environment. To avoid the peace lily from rotting, it is recommended that you let the soil dry a little bit before refilling the Pot.

Feature of self-watering Pot

The self-watering Pot is a great way for your peace lily to thrive. The plant sits in the Pot, so you don't have to water it as often, and you can even forget about it for long periods without worrying about it drying out. 

  • The plant sits in the Pot and holds its water supply.
  • It will grow roots through the drainage holes.
  • You can leave the drainage holes open or cover them with pebbles or plastic wrap to keep the soil from drying.

Tips for Watering Your Peace Lily

Peace lilies are tropical plants that thrive in warm climates and are easy to grow. The roots of the peace lily are particularly sensitive to cold temperatures, so they can suffer mild shock when watered with cold water.


Watering should be done after the water has reached approximately room temperature in its container, rather than immediately after it has been plucked from the container.


Fluoride and chlorine can also cause the tips of the peace lilies' leaves to turn brown and crispy when exposed to high levels of fluoride and chlorine in the water. After watering your peace lily for over 12 hours, you can eliminate the chlorine by leaving it overnight.


Occasionally, it is suggested that you water your peace lily with rainwater or filtered water so that the fluoride can be mitigated. If you use unfiltered water, fluoride may accumulate, infecting the plant.


In short, it's best to water your peace lily once a week. That way, the plant's soil stays moist without being flooded. But in our experience, receiving proper care every other day is ideal for this decorative plant. You can also grow peace lily in water read more about it.


It's certainly possible that you may get away with a little less water than we recommend, and if your peace lilies are facing any danger of dehydration, then you should water them more often.



What kind of pots are best for peace lily?

The best pots for peace lily are those with holes in their bottoms. These will allow the plant's roots to breathe and not sit in water. You can use any container you want, but if it has a hole in the bottom, it'll work well as long as it's at least 3 inches deep.


How much water do peace lilies need?

It depends on where you live! In hot, dry climates, you'll want to water your plant at least once weekly.


Should you water a peace lily from the top or bottom?

You should set your peace lily in the sink when you want to water it, as this is the best way to accomplish this. Allow the liquid to drip through the bottom of the Pot while slowly pouring water over the soil.


Do peace lilies need more water in summer?

You need more water during spring and summer than autumn and winter, although not as much as you might think.

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