How to Care Peace Lilies - 5 Things You Need to Know

The Peace Lily is a common houseplant, but its popular for a reason. Inside the tall, deep green foliage springs bring white or light green flowers that can bloom all year long! Also known as the Spathiphyllum, this plant is a wonderful addition to any home, when given the right care and attention.
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This is everything you need to know about growing a peace lily!
How Often You Should Water
Watering your Peace Lily is an easy task because it likes its soil to be consistently moist, so you’re much less like to overwater this plant than others. Make sure that your pot has plenty of drainages to avoid standing water when possible and only use distilled or filtered water. If your Peace Lily is drooping or wilting, that’s its way of telling you its thirsty. When you see this, consider repotting it into a self-watering planter so it can regulate its own water intake and give you some of your time back!
The Kind of Light Your Peace Lily Needs
As with most plants, the Spathiphyllum prefers a space with bright, indirect light to grow, though it can grow in low light or purely artificial light, as well. If you start to see spots on your Peace Lily leave turn crispy and brown, then it may be getting scorched and burnt by the sun; move it to a spot in your home that receives indirectly bright light instead and monitor its reaction for a couple weeks after to make sure it’s doing better in its new space.
Monitor Your Temperature & Humidity
Peace Lilies are not cold hardy plants and prefer to live in spaces within 55-80°F (13-26°C) and not in direct line of drafts or air vents. These flowering beauties are originally from places like Colombia and Venezuela, so they have adapted to tolerating (and loving!) moderate to high humidity in the 50-75% range; replicate this at home and you will have one happy plant! Is your Peace Lily not flowering? Your room temperature or humidity levels are probably too low. Increase those and move it somewhere with more light to see flower spathes pop back up!
Give Your Peace Lily the Right Soil & Fertilizer
This plant is a member of the Aroid family, a group of plants that do best in well-draining, well-aerated soil that has plenty of organic material like orchid bark or coco coir. Spathiphyllum also prefers a natural form of fertilizer, like compost, to be mixed into the first few inches of the soil’s surface or top-dressed once or twice a month in the growing season. Each Spring, give your plant fresh soil, packed with nutrients by repotting it at the beginning of the warm months.
Common Problems with the Peace Lily
Discoloration is the most common sign that your plant needs help; leaf tips turning brown can be your Peace Lily’s way of saying it doesn’t like its current watering and feeding schedule or it needs higher humidity to thrive. On the other hand, yellowing leaves are a sign of stress typically caused by hard water, improper light, or sudden temperature changes that it can’t adjust to. However, the Peace Lily is a forgiving plant, so it can bounce back form anything with just a little care!
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