How to Propagate Monstera Deliciosa: Complete Step-By-Step Guide
Monstera Plants are one of the most popular house plants. They are easy to grow and care for and thrive in any indoor environment. These plants will provide a long-lasting happy environment and give you a unique look in your home or office.
Monstera has a unique structure, which is one of the reasons why it is so popular. However, starting with Monstera, it cannot be easy to know how to propagate monstera.
If you want your plant to have the best chance of survival, you need to start with a healthy plant and take proper care of the monstera plant. So, before propagating Monstera, You'll need to find a healthy Monstera plant.
The best way to do this is by taking cuttings from an existing Monstera and replanting them into a pot filled with Monstera potting soil. The cuttings should be taken in the late summer or early fall to grow better.
This article will give you step-by-step on How to propagate Monstera. Let's started to discuss this in detail.
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Propagating Monstera is taking root, cutting, and growing it into a new plant. This can be done in many ways.
Monstera plants are a tropical plant that grows in forests of southern Mexico. They are known for their bright green leaves and large blooms.
The easiest way to propagate your Monstera plant is by taking cuttings from one of your existing plants. You can also propagate them by root division or seed propagation.
Structure of a Monstera
As we will be going over the parts of the plant and how they contribute to the propagation of your monstera plant in the following steps, it is important to understand the internal structure of our monstera plant.
As you can see, your monstera has three different kinds of roots in its base, meaning it has three different types of roots: subterranean, aerial, and aerial-subterranean.
Which aren't as complicated as they seem, but it does take some time for you to become acquainted with them.
There are two main purposes that all roots serve for plants: they support them in the ground and allow them to hold onto something, along with absorbing water and nutrients from the ground.
Let's start to learn about how to work the root system.
A Subterranean Root System
There are three types of roots on monstera, as mentioned above. Subterranean roots grow underground. The roots ensure that the plants take up water and nutrients from the ground and anchor the roots into the soil to give them a strong foundation.
Whenever we think about a plant's root system and structure, we think of one or a combination. When monitoring your cutting, you'll look for these types of roots.
An Aerial root system
They work the same way roots in soil do: they use ground stabilizing and nutrient absorption functions to help plants grow. Houseplants have aerial roots that emerge from nodes along their stems, and as a houseplant, you should observe these aerial roots sprout.

Their bud will grow into a long, brown twig from a small, white bud; There is nothing to worry about as this is normal. And the Monstera propagation in water will allow it to be more able to absorb moisture and nutrients from regular spritzes of water or fertilizer.
Subterranean-Aerial Root Systems.
Subterranean roots are located underground, while aerial roots are located above ground. They are roots that started as aerial roots but have now migrated down to the ground due to their aerial roots.
When your plant is supported by something like a moss pole, you don't need to train aerial roots to become aerial-subterranean roots.
In addition, it is important to check the condition of the underground roots. If roots are in better condition, They'll still absorb moisture and nutrients as aerial roots. While propagating your monstera, you should know three types of cuttings.
Different types of Monstera Cuttings
Cutting at the top
There is no denying that top monstera cutting is exactly what they sound like: they are simply cuttings made from the plant's upper part.
Apical buds, formed at the stem's tip, often enlarge in size, causing new growth to start from it and produce more foliage.
The best way to find out when this is happening is to look at the leaf's petiole closest to its end, looking for a bump indicating the emergence of a new leaf.
Cuttings in The Middle
After a top cutting, mid-cuttings are made, taken after a bottom cutting. As opposed to a top cutting, in which the top is the apical bud of the plant while the bottom is cut, a bottom cutting involves cutting the plant's top and bottom.
In a mid-cut, roots will grow at the node and produce new stems from the node's axillary buds, which will grow alongside them.
This is because when you make this kind of cut, a new stem is created, so when you make your cut, your leaves will not be as large or as mature as your mother's plants.
A Wet Stem or Stick
There is the possibility that you will have to work only with the node in some cases. There are several reasons why this may occur. Although rooting the cutting is made more difficult when there are no leaves to hold the cutting in place, it is still possible.
Due to the lack of leaves to perform photosynthesis, the cutting takes a little longer to establish itself and produce new stems and leaves since there are no leaves to perform photosynthesis.
It should be noted that rubbing alcohol should only be used for sterilizing these types of cuttings and not for sterilizing the cuts themselves when using this method. Furthermore, it is recommended that they be kept covered with plastic and placed in a clean, dry location, free from mildew, fungus, and insects.
Cutting Monstera Deliciosa: How to Do It Step y Step
Many parts of the propagating Monstera deliciosa can be taken as a cutting, so finding the right part can greatly impact how well the cuttings are propagated.
It is important to remember that a couple of factors will affect the likelihood of a successful cutting, including the number and health of the leaves and the insertion of a node in the cutting.
At least two leaves should be present on a Monstera cutting to be considered healthy. Plants are more likely to produce roots if this process is made easier.
Therefore, growing a cutting from an existing plant increases the chances of the new plant becoming a thriving plant. Even though cuttings can be propagated with just one leaf, it is ideal for propagating cuttings with two leaves.

It is also necessary to ensure that the part of the Monstera you choose to propagate is healthy before it can be propagated. It means that it should not have any indications of distress or pests and should not display any signs of distress.
The way to tell if a leaf is unhealthy is to look for yellowing, browning, or wilting, as well as holes on the leaf that aren't fenestrations, which are symptoms of the disease.
There is almost always a high probability that a cutting operation will fail due to poor health.
The cuttings taken from Monstera deliciosa must be taken from a healthy node in the plant to ensure proper cuttings are taken.
It is important to ensure that there is a node on your cutting for roots to be produced, as these are the parts of the plant that can grow stems and roots. Roots cannot be developed in a cutting that does not contain a node.
Is it Possible to Propagate Monstera Without a Node?
In other words, nodes are where your new growth will begin. There are cells and hormones within the root system that the plant needs to grow to help the plant make the most of its environment and adapt to it to thrive.
Aerial roots may already be emerging from the node at this time, implying the emergence of new growth as yet undiscovered. Do nodes play an important role in the growth of new plants?
You will always need to include a node alongside the cutting to produce a new Monstera plant from a Monstera cutting.
Without a node, a Monstera leaf will never become a full-sized plant, and a node will always keep a Monstera leaf alive.
But it is important to understand that this does not mean that cuttings with nodes are worthless. A beautiful centerpiece can be made out of monstera leaves, which are becoming increasingly popular in flower arrangements.
The Best Way to Find a Node on a Monstera
A Monstera's nodes can easily be identified if you know what is happening with its anatomy from the outside. The nodes and internodes make up the stem of a Monstera plant.
Plants require nodes to produce new growth, which is one of the functions of nodes. Nothing is growing in the 99internodes of plants; they are just spaces between the nodes and leaves and between the other parts of a plant.
You can easily identify a node on your Monstera because it is located at the point where leaves are growing on it. One node on a large plant can have several leaves growing from it, creating the shape of a "V" around it.
As the stem grows, these areas tend to be knobbier and can be either brown or light green, depending on the region of the stem that has these knobbies. An aerial root often arises from the root, making it even easier to identify them as they have aerial roots.
Best Pot For Monstera Self-Watering Planters Are Ideal for Monstera
Monstera plants are easy to grow, and self-watering planters are ideal. If you're looking to grow Monstera plants, you'll want to ensure they're fed regularly. That's where self-watering planters come in.
Self-watering planters are ideal for monstera because they have a built-in reservoir that keeps the soil moist and ready for planting. These tanks also allow you to control how much water your plant receives so that it can grow into a large specimen easily.
These tanks come in several different sizes, ranging from small to large. You can find one perfect for your space and needs by checking out our list of the best self-watering planters.
Propagating Monstera in Soil
It does not matter what type of soil you use for your Propagating Monstera in Soil, as long as it is not very fine or very moist. Good soil for a garden bed should have a coarse texture and be able to drain well.
To keep the monstera healthy, it is important not to let the water around the roots of the plants get too wet since this will lead to root rot of monstera.
Monstera Propagation in Water
You can propagate your Monstera Deliciosa using water, which is the easiest method.
You can place the cutting in a glass or jar filled with water, and you can replace that water occasionally with time.

Keeping only the monstera aerial roots in water will help to reduce the chances of stem rot, while keeping the stem out of the water will help to prevent stem rot. Generally, use this method for healthy, low-risk cuttings.
Make sure to cut for rot after seeing roots form in a clear container. Ensures that your cutting does not become dehydrated during the growing process. A very easy way to keep the roots moist and prevent them from drying out.

It is very unlikely that organic matter will introduce disease into the medium. The roots are not damaged when the water is removed from them. A root grows very quickly when it is given the right conditions.
A lack of airflow prevents roots from receiving any oxygen. Water is the only source of oxygen, consisting of dissolved oxygen.
Transitioning roots from water to soil is more difficult when grown in water. A lot of effort is required to keep the stem out of the water.
Final Words
Propagating Monstera is super easy to propagate as it grows new plants for you. As you can see, there are lots of different ways to propagate Monstera, depending on your needs and what type of plant you already have.
Regardless of how you choose to propagate Monstera. Monstera is a great addition to any household or office space, providing an attractive look and a homey feel—without needing much upkeep.
Can Monstera be Propagated from Cuttings?
Absolutely! Cuttings are an excellent way to propagate Monstera and can be taken from the leaf axils or nodes. You can also take cuttings from the trunk.
Can you Propagate Monstera from a Leaf?
The answer is yes! Monstera leaves can be propagated in this way, but it's a little more challenging than it sounds.
Is it Better to Propagate Monstera in Water or Soil?
The answer is that it depends on your goals and what kind of Monstera you're growing. Monstera plants are usually propagated in water, & It's better to propagate Monstera in water than in soil.
Can I Propagate a Monstera Without a Node?
Yes! You can propagate a Monstera without a node.
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