Snake Plant Root Rot: How To Fix It Step By Step Guide

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Snake plant root rot is a extreme conditions, it is likely to suffer from various diseases. The snake plants need to be saved as soon as possible; if we do not act immediately, they are unlikely to survive. 

In many cases, we know this can be a challenge for those of us who have never had to deal with such an issue. Therefore, this guide will look at all you need to know about root rot in snake plants.

Self-watering pot with a wick system is more effective at delivering water to the roots slowly and steadily, which helps prevent overwatering.


6 Pack-6.7 Inch Self Watering Plant Pot for Indoor Plants
6 Pack-6.7 Inch Self Watering Plant Pot for Indoor Plants
5 Pack Self Watering Plant Pots 5/6.7/8.4 In Self Watering Planters
5 Pack Self Watering Plant Pots 5/6.7/8.4 In Self Watering Planters
6 Pack Self Watering Plant Pots 5 Inches Self Watering Planters
6 Pack Self Watering Plant Pots 5 Inches Self Watering Planters

Snake Plant Root Rot Signs

snake plant root rot signs

A change in the plant's appearance indicates something is wrong. You may not notice root rot's symptoms beneath the soil, which is why it is dangerous to your plants. 

Snake plant root rot usually manifests symptoms only after the disease has progressed above the soil line. 

Here are some common signs of Root Rot in Snake Plant.

Read More

Jade Plant Root Rot: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Mushy and Soft Snake Plant Leaves

The snake plant sends this signal when there is too much water in the soil. The leaves become soft and feel mushy when held lightly, which is not normal. It is a sign of too much water inside the plant. 

Snake plants should only be watered once more after the substrate (soil) has dried. You must take immediate action to protect your plant if its base is already wilting.

Wilting Snake Plant Leaves

snake plant root rot sign wilting snake plant leaves

Snake plant wilting can be caused by underwatering, low humidity, and root rot caused by overwatering. Check for root rot symptoms if you don't know why or if everything else seems fine. 

Underwatering causes snake plants to display the same symptoms as root rot, which damages the roots' ability to take in water. The upper portion of the plant, where water is most needed, wilts when it is not supplied with water.

Yellowing and softening of snake plants

The yellowing of snake plant leaves can be caused by under- and overwatering and nutrient deficiency.

It is generally assumed that overwatering or poor drainage causes yellow and soft leaf blades. Poor drainage can remain moist even if you aren't overwatering your plant.

Mushy Black Roots

Rotted snake plants have black, mushy roots and leaf bases; their roots are rotting. Normal roots are black, but they feel strong in the hands and are not mushy. 

When a root comes into contact with your hands, it pulls away from the plant. This is another sign of root rot. It is possible that the roots are not completely rotten. Some roots may show signs of damage, but not all.

Snake Plant Root Rot Causes

snake plant root rot causes

Although root rot can kill snake plants, there are several ways to prevent it from taking place in the first place. By doing so, you will be able to maintain the health and vitality of your snake plant.


One of the most common causes of root rot is this. Keeping your plants alive depends on watering. It is still important to exercise caution when watering a plant, even though excessive watering can be deadly to a plant.

 overwatering snake plant root rot causes

If the soil around the roots of snake plants is saturated with water, overwatering snake plant can cause root rot. The outside layer of the roots will become saturated with this water.

A poor drainage system can lead to waterlogging

Placing your snake plant in a pot with adequate drainage to thrive is important. Snake plants must grow in deep and wide pots to support their growth.

 Poor drainage snake plant root rot causes

It's also important to ensure that your plant's roots are well-protected under the soil's surface and that it has enough space on the surface. For excess water to drain away from a pot, there must be holes at the bottom. Read More about Snake Plant Soil.

Extra-large pots cause moisture accumulation

You may encounter negative results if you try to grow snake plants in a large pot. Root rot can occur if you give a plant a large pot, even though it may be your instinct to give it lots of space to grow. Snake plants typically do best in pots 1-2 inches (3-6 cm) larger than necessary.

Oversized pots cause root rot because excess moisture sits in the soil. Eventually, the water across the pot will build-up, and the snake plant's roots will rot due to being too small to reach all corners of the pot.

Low Temperature

It is possible to cause root rot in plants when the temperature around their roots is too low.

A snake plant should be placed where the temperature is optimal for growth.

Roots may have difficulty absorbing more oxygen during freezing conditions, resulting in nutrient loss.

Dormant Watering

Overwatering your snake plant can cause root rot. Sluggish plants require less water since they don't grow rapidly and do not require much additional water to survive.

Water accumulates in the pot because the plant isn't using it. It is important to give your plant additional water when it needs nutrients and sunlight.

Best Way to Save Snake Plants from Root Rot

Save snake plant from root rot

Snake plants are killed by root rot. You must do the following if your snake's roots and stems are rotten; otherwise, it may die. 

  • Cut the rotten area about 1cm above the rotted area with sharp scissors
  • Put cinnamon powder on the cut to prevent fungi from growing.
  • Unless you treat the wound as soon as possible, a small callus will form on the cut if you do not treat it (a cone).
  • After healing, move the plants to a new substrate. 

This way, the succulents will sprout again, and you'll have a new seedling. 

Repotting Snake Plant Root Rot Step by Step Guide

repotting snake plant root rot

Repotting is enough to save the plant if the root rot is not severe or restricted to roots: 

  • It is easiest to remove plants if they are watered, and the soil around them is moistened.
  • Ensure the roots of your snake plant are not rotten before removing them from their old pot.
  • Make sure any root rot-infected roots are removed. Cut off any excess roots and untangle the old roots.
  • A fungicide solution should be applied to the cut roots to ensure that no fungus spores remain. 
  • The leaves of the plant should be discarded if they have a yellow or brown color because they will now add an extra load to the plant and will not benefit the plant in any way.
  • The bleach solution is not necessary if we are using a new pot.
  • However, it is important that if we use the same pot, a bleach solution should be used to clean the pot of bacteria and fungi thoroughly.
  • After about two hours, let the pot dry out.
  • Make sure that the bottom of the pot is filled with some stones. It is very important to fill the pot with potting soil in the ratio of 1:1 and add some compost into the pot to prevent blocking the drainage holes. This will help to prevent cactus soil from blocking the drainage holes.
  • You should insert the snake plant in the middle of the pot and then cover it with another layer of soil. It is important not to exert excessive pressure on the roots during this process.
  • Please make sure the soil in the pot does not have any air pockets by gently tapping it.
  • Freshly repotted snake plants need to be watered. Check that the drainage holes work and get the watering right.
  • Make sure the plant has time to adapt to its new environment.
  • If you love and nurture your snake plant, it will thrive and be healthy again in no time if the root rot is at its early stages.
  • The snake plant should be placed in a bright area after being replanted. Do not stress the plant after repotting it.


How to save rotting snake plant

Lastly, we would say that these steps will help save your snake plant root rot with a high likelihood of success; however, it is not guaranteed. 

Other factors are involved in maintaining a healthy snake plant besides those mentioned here. This article has also helped you avoid losing your snake plant. At the very least, you will know what precipitates root rot and how to counteract it.


Can a snake plant recover from root rot?

Yes, it's possible. But it depends on how bad the root rot is and how much damage has been done to the plant.

How do I know if my snake plant has root rot?

A common symptom of root rot is that the roots are brown and dry. You may also notice that the leaves have a yellow tinge, which is another sign of root rot. If you see these signs, you can be sure that your snake plant has some issue with its roots.

Can a plant survive root rot?

In most cases, a plant with root rot will not survive, but it may be propagated so that it will not be lost forever. It is necessary to remove and destroy plants with root rot.

Read More:

Jade Plant Root Rot: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

How to Treat Monstera Root Rot

Peace Lily Root Rot: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

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1 comment

  • Ed Chalfont

    My 10’’ pot snake plant has a 1/4 of the pot with leaves that tend to dry up at the bottom of the leaf and the dryness travels up the leaf until it ultimately wilts is this a sign of roof rot or underwater ? My meter ind3icates very moist yet I water the plant every 4 to 6 weeks. Any thoughts on this?

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