14 Tips How to Make Pothos Grow Faster? A Comprehensive Guide

It is possible to grow pothos faster than ever before. The key is understanding your plant's needs and how to meet them. Pothos plants are considered tropical and need a warm environment and light.

The reason why the growth of your Pothos has stopped may be a mystery to you. It's important to keep the soil at a good moisture level so that your plant has enough water to thrive.

Devil's ivy is the most popular indoor houseplant. People love this plant; it thrives in almost any situation. There are many ways to make your pothos grow faster than ever—and we're here to show you how.

It is easy to grow, but you must take care of the plant properly to get the best results. Here are some tips on how you can make your pothos grow faster than ever before.


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What is the reason for my Devil's ivy not growing?

What is the reason for my Devil's ivy not growing?

Your pothos may not grow as fast as you would like. Occasionally it is possible that, even though you feel you are doing everything right, your Pothos is not growing as fast as you expected.

You're trying to grow more than one plant at a time. Pothos need bright light to thrive, but their growth can slow considerably if there's too much shade or no sunlight.

There are several reasons why your Pothos isn't growing fast (or when it doesn't grow at all, for that matter). We have listed a few reasons below that could contribute to your house plant's poor health. Also read our guide about how to make Pothos fuller and Bushy

Here are some reasons why this could be happening.

  • Too much cold or too much heat is not good for Devil's ivy.
  • In the soil, there is an accumulation of fertilizer that has accumulated over time.
  • Nutrients are lacking in the potting soil, which makes it difficult to grow plants.
  • There is either an increase or decrease in the temperature in your home between 50°F and 90°F.
  • The plant absorbs too much or too little sunlight.

Best ways to grow pothos house plants faster

How to Make Pothos Grow Faster

Devil's ivy is a popular house & office plant that has been growing for centuries. Pothos house plants are one of the easiest plants to grow. A plant's growth rate and how impressive it will look will depend on how it is treated.

Let's start talking details about these factors, which your Devil's ivy plants will grow like crazy.

Make sure your Devil's ivy plant has the right pot size.

Despite their easy-going nature, pothos makes great houseplants if given the right container. It's okay to keep pothos rootbound for a few months, but if you keep them rootbound too long, they may not grow as fast as they should.

Make sure your Devil's ivy plant has the right pot size.

There is a possibility that over time you may find that your plant's roots begin to tangle together, resulting in water and nutrients not being able to reach the roots.

This can hamper the growth and survival of your plants. When the leaves are underwater for an extended period of time, the leaves will begin to wilt and eventually die.

On the other hand, Pothos planted into too much soil can develop root rot, especially if the potting mix isn't well-draining. It's not uncommon for leaves to yellow and begins dropping rapidly.

Provide Adequate Light

One of the most important factors in getting your pothos to grow faster is providing it with adequate light. Pothos plants thrive in bright, indirect light, so make sure to place your plant near a window that receives plenty of sunlight. If your plant is not receiving enough light, consider investing in a grow light to supplement its natural light source.

Water Your Pothos Correctly

Proper watering is essential for the growth of any plant, and pothos is no exception. Water your pothos when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause the plant to dry out and stunt its growth. Make sure to use a well-draining potting mix and avoid letting your plant sit in standing water. Girl face Self Watering Planters are perfect for growing pothos faster.

Self Watering Planters for pothos

Watering pothos plants properly is essential to ensure that they grow healthily. It is important to plan your watering schedule to ensure that your house plants do not suffer from overwatering or underwatering.

It is possible to have limp, wilted leaves due to too much water being applied. There is even a possibility that the leaves may turn yellow as time goes on.

Water-logged soil causes the roots to rot, causing these changes in the plant. When watering your plants, empty the saucer beneath them and let them drain to minimize the risk of root rot.

It is also possible to have adverse effects from too little water. Consequently, the leaves can curl up and become limp, resulting in a loss of color. There is also the possibility of the leaves falling off.

This plant needs a period of dry soil between waterings to grow well. It is okay to keep the roots moist between waterings, but they should not be allowed to become soaked. You can begin watering the plant again when the soil has become dry at the top two inches.

Make sure you fertilize

Make sure you fertilize pothos

In addition to proper watering, fertilizing your pothos regularly can help speed up its growth. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Make sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging and avoid overfertilizing, which can damage the plant.

Depending on what you use, Pothos grows faster or slower. From boron to zinc, plants require a wide variety of chemicals to thrive. It is important to use fertilizer to get the fastest growth possible.

Fertilizers made from organic materials take longer to work. Organic fertilizers are beneficial over time, but inorganic fertilizers are best for faster growth in the short term.

Although pothos doesn't require much feeding, they do need some care. It will put on healthy growth and fast growth when it is fed regular liquid fertilizer feeds every few months at warm temperatures and high humidity.

Provide Adequate Humidity

Pothos plants thrive in humid environments, so providing adequate humidity can help speed up their growth. You can increase humidity by placing a humidifier near your plant or by placing a tray of water near the plant (make sure the plant is not sitting in the water). Another option is to mist your plant regularly with a spray bottle filled with water.

Prune Your Pothos

Regular pruning can help encourage new growth in your pothos plant. Use sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears to cut back any dead or yellowing leaves, as well as any vines that have grown too long. You can also prune your plant to control its size and shape.

Propagate Your Pothos

Propagating your pothos plant can also help speed up its growth. Pothos plants can be propagated by stem cuttings or by rooting individual leaves. To propagate by stem cuttings, cut a stem that is at least 4-6 inches long and has at least two leaves. Remove the lower leaves and place the stem in water or soil. Keep the cutting moist and in a warm, bright location until it develops roots and new growth.

Maintain an optimal temperature

For optimal growth, the pothos needs 70 to 90°F (21-32°C) temperatures. It can survive at temperatures as low as 55°F (12°C). This is an ideal temperature range.

Those levels will slow growth if they are exceeded or below. When the temperature is too high, the plant's growth can be stunted, and it can also begin to deteriorate. Also, avoid sudden temperature changes frequently.

Repot Your Pothos

If your pothos plant is not growing as fast as you'd like, it may be time to repot it. Over time, the plant's roots can outgrow its current pot, leading to stunted growth. When repotting, choose a pot that is one size larger than its current pot, and use a well-draining potting mix. Make sure to gently loosen the roots and remove any dead or damaged ones before repotting.

Use Rooting Hormone

Using rooting hormone can help encourage faster growth in your pothos plant. Rooting hormone is a powder or liquid that contains growth hormones and other nutrients that help stimulate root growth. Dip the cut end of your pothos stem in rooting hormone before planting it in soil or water.

Consider Adding Support

Pothos plants are climbing plants and can benefit from support as they grow. Consider adding a trellis or other support system to your pothos plant to encourage upward growth. You can also train your plant to climb a wall or other surface by attaching it with small clips or ties. 

Keep Your Pothos Clean

Keeping your pothos plant clean can also help encourage faster growth. Dust and debris can accumulate on the plant's leaves and block out sunlight, slowing down growth. Wipe down your pothos leaves regularly with a damp cloth to keep them clean and free of dust.

Be Patient

Finally, it's important to be patient when trying to speed up the growth of your pothos plant. While these tips can help encourage faster growth, it's important to remember that plants grow at their own pace. With proper care and patience, your pothos plant will thrive and grow to its full potential.

Keep pests at bay to grow pothos faster

A Pothos may suffer the same condition in the same way that a houseplant attacked by pests might suffer stunted growth or lose its delicate leaf system if a pest invades it.

Bugs do not usually target Pothos, but some will do so from time to time, such as caterpillars, scales, Thrips, mites, and mealybugs. Pests can damage your pothos plant and slow down its growth.

Instead of using harsh chemicals, consider using natural pest control methods such as neem oil or insecticidal soap. These products are safe for your plant and can help keep pests at bay.


Pothos plants are adaptable, so it's possible to grow them successfully indoors. However, if you have a warm home and keep your pothos plants outdoors during the winter months, including lighting, watering, fertilizing, and pest prevention, your Pothos Grow Faster.

You can use self watering planter for better managment of the watering of the pothos which can help you to grow pothos faster.

Hopefully, this guide will be helpful for you when you are looking for how to make your pothos grow faster than ever before. If you have any questions or suggestions, do share them with us in the comments 😊


Can I grow pothos in low light?

While pothos plants prefer bright, indirect light, they can still grow in low light conditions. Just be sure to avoid placing them in areas with no natural light.

How often should I fertilize my pothos plant?

Fertilize your pothos plant every four to six weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

Can I root pothos in water?

Yes, pothos plants can be rooted in water. Simply place a stem cutting in a jar or vase filled with water and wait for roots to develop.

What causes yellow leaves on my pothos plant?

Yellow leaves on a pothos plant can be caused by overwatering, underwatering, too much direct sunlight, or pests.

Can I keep my pothos plant outdoors?

Pothos plants are not frost tolerant and should be kept indoors or in a protected area if temperatures drop below 50°F.


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