How Often to Water Succulents?

Succulents have become quite popular lately because of their distinctive look and easy upkeep. One of the most frequent errors people make when taking care of succulents is giving them too much water. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while Underwatering can cause the plant to become dehydrated and wilt.

Knowing how often to water your succulents is crucial to their health and growth. In this blog post, we will discuss the best practices for watering succulents to ensure they thrive in your home or garden.

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Understanding Succulents and Their Watering Needs

Succulents are renowned for their ability to store water in their leaves, stems, and roots, making them highly adaptable to arid conditions.

This special adaptation enables them to flourish in places with limited water. When it comes to watering succulents, it's essential to mimic their natural habitat by providing well-draining soil and avoiding waterlogged conditions.

Factors Affecting the Frequency of Watering Succulents

Understanding the unique watering needs of succulents is crucial for their survival. Let's examine the key factors that determine the frequency of watering your succulents.

Factors Affecting the Frequency of Watering Succulents

1. Type of Succulent

First and foremost, it's essential to consider the type of succulent you're dealing with. Various types of succulents have different water needs.

For instance, desert-dwelling cacti can tolerate long periods of drought, while tropical succulents may need more frequent watering. Understanding the specific needs of your succulent species is crucial for providing the appropriate amount of water.

2. Seasonal Changes

The changing seasons have a significant impact on the watering needs of succulents. During the warmer months, succulents may require more frequent watering as they actively grow and photosynthesize. On the other hand, in the cooler months or during dormancy, succulents may need less water to prevent root rot. Monitoring the seasonal changes and adjusting your watering schedule is key to keeping your succulents thriving.

3. Pot and Soil Conditions

The type of pot and soil you use can also influence how often you should water your succulents. Well-draining soil is essential for succulents to prevent waterlogged roots, so opting for a specialized succulent mix or adding perlite to regular potting soil can improve drainage.

Additionally, choosing pots with drainage holes allows excess water to escape, reducing the risk of overwatering.

4. Environmental Factors

Environmental conditions such as humidity, sunlight exposure, and airflow can impact the water requirements of succulents. In humid environments, succulents may need less frequent watering, while in hot and dry conditions, they may require more water to stay hydrated.

Finding the right balance and providing adequate airflow around your succulents can help regulate their water intake.

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5. Plant Growth Stage

The growth stage of your succulents also plays a role in determining their watering needs. Newly planted or propagated succulents may need more frequent watering to establish roots, while mature plants may require less water once they have settled into their environment.

Adjusting your watering frequency based on the growth stage of your succulents is essential for promoting healthy growth.

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Overwatered Succulent vs. Underwatered

Overwatering is one of the most common issues that succulent enthusiasts encounter. Finding the right balance is key to maintaining healthy succulents. Let's start by taking a closer look at overwatering.

Overwatered Succulent vs. Underwatered

Overwatered Succulent

When it comes to overwatering, succulents are not big fans of having wet feet for too long. Signs of an overwatered succulent include mushy, translucent, or yellow leaves. The stem may also appear swollen or discolored, and you might notice a foul odor from the soil. If you see any of these symptoms, it's time to take action and give your succulent a chance to dry out.

Underwatered Succulent

On the flip side, an underwatered succulent will start to show signs of distress as well. Look out for shriveled, wrinkled, or crispy leaves, which indicate that your succulent is thirsty and in need of a drink.

The soil may also pull away from the edges of the pot, and the plant might appear limp or wilted. If you notice these red flags, it's time to give your succulent a good soak and rehydrate those parched roots.

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Finding the Balance

Balancing the watering needs of your succulents can be a bit of a dance, but with a little practice, you'll become a pro at reading the signs. Remember that succulents prefer to dry out between watering sessions, so it's essential to check the soil moisture level before reaching for the watering can. Factors like the type of succulent, the size of the pot, and the environmental conditions will also influence your watering schedule.

Tips for Success

To avoid overwatering, ensure your succulent is planted in well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes. When watering, give your succulent a thorough soak, allowing the excess water to drain out completely. For underwatered succulents, establish a consistent watering routine, keeping an eye on the soil's moisture level and adjusting as needed.

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How to Save an Overwatered Succulent

Suppose your succulent is showing signs of overwatering, such as yellowing leaves, mushy stems, or wilting. The key here is to act quickly to prevent root rot and other issues that can arise from overwatering.

Overwatered Succulent vs. Underwatered

The first step is to remove the succulent from its pot and gently shake off any excess soil. Check the roots for any signs of rot or mushiness. If you spot any, it's essential to trim away the affected roots with a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears. This will help prevent the spread of rot and give the healthy roots a chance to recover.

Next, allow the succulent to dry out completely. This may take a few days to a week, depending on the severity of the overwatering. During this time, keep the succulent in a warm, dry area with plenty of airflow to aid in the drying process.

Once the succulent has dried out, it's time to repot it in fresh, well-draining soil. Choose a pot with drainage holes for succulent to prevent future overwatering issues. Gently place the succulent in the new soil, making sure to support the roots and pack the soil around them to provide stability.

After repotting, it's crucial to refrain from watering the succulent for a while to allow the roots to recover and adjust to their new environment. Once the plant shows signs of new growth and stability, you can gradually reintroduce a regular watering schedule, making sure not to overdo it this time.

How Much Water Do Succulents Need Per Week

The frequency of watering succulents can vary depending on the specific requirements of the plant, the climate, and the growing conditions. While some succulents may only need to be watered once every two weeks, others may require more frequent watering. It's essential to observe your succulents closely and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Overwatered Succulent vs. Underwatered

How Often to Water Succulents in Winter

During the winter months, succulents enter a period of dormancy, during which they require less water. It's crucial to reduce the frequency of watering during this time to prevent the risk of overwatering and root rot. Additionally, protecting outdoor succulents from frost and excessive moisture is essential for their survival during the winter season.

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How Often to Water Succulents in Summer

In contrast to winter, summer brings higher temperatures and increased evaporation, leading to faster drying of the soil. Succulents may require more frequent watering during the summer months to compensate for the loss of moisture. However, it's important to strike a balance and avoid overwatering, especially during heatwaves.

Watering Methods for Different Types of Succulents

Different types of succulents have varying water requirements based on their native habitats and growth patterns. Some succulents, such as cacti, are highly drought-tolerant and prefer minimal watering, while others may need more frequent irrigation.

Watering Methods for Different Types of Succulents

Tailoring your watering approach to the specific needs of each succulent species is essential for their overall well-being.


Understanding how often to water succulents is a crucial aspect of caring for these resilient plants. By considering the factors that influence their watering needs, observing their growth patterns, and adapting your watering practices accordingly, you can ensure that your succulents thrive and flourish.

Remember, finding the right balance between hydration and dryness is the key to nurturing healthy, vibrant succulents that will bring joy and beauty to your living spaces.


How Often to Water Succulents Indoors

Indoor succulents often have different watering needs compared to their outdoor counterparts. Factors such as humidity levels, air circulation, and pot size can influence how often indoor succulents should be watered. It's important to consider these factors when establishing a watering routine for your indoor succulents.

How Often to Water Succulents Outdoors

Outdoor succulents are exposed to natural elements such as sunlight, wind, and rain, which can affect their watering requirements. Monitoring the moisture levels in the soil and adjusting your watering frequency based on the prevailing weather conditions is essential for the health of outdoor succulents.

How Do I Know If My Succulent Needs Water?

You can check if your succulent needs water by inserting your finger into the soil. If the top inch of the soil feels dry, it's time to water. Also, wrinkling or wilting of the leaves is a sign that the succulent needs hydration.

Do Succulents Need Direct Sunlight?

Succulents thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. They need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day to stay healthy. However, intense, direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, so it's best to provide filtered light.

Can You Overwater Succulents?

Overwatering is a common issue with succulents. Allowing the soil to dry out between waterings is important to prevent root rot and other water-related problems.

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