What You Need to Know About Spider Plant Light Requirements
Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are one of the most popular houseplants for their easy care and tolerance of neglect. They are known for their ability to thrive in low-light conditions, but what are the ideal light requirements for a spider plant?
One of the most important factors to consider when growing spider plants is their light requirements. In general, spider plants prefer bright, indirect light but can also tolerate spider plant low light conditions.
They will also tolerate a wide range of temperatures as long as they are not exposed to extreme changes in temperature. If you are growing your spider plant indoors, place it near an east- or west-facing window.
If you are growing your spider plant outdoors, place it in a spot dappled by indirect sunlight throughout the day. Spider plants will also do well under fluorescent lights, making them a good option for offices and other commercial spaces.
This article will explain everything you need to know about spider plant light requirements. We will also provide some tips on how to care for your spider plant so that it will thrive.
Now let's get started.
How Much Sun Does a Spider Plant Need?
Spider plants love bright, indirect light and perform best. Of course, as with all houseplants, ensure your spider plant receives enough light exposure.
If you notice that the Spider plant leaves turning yellow or being damaged, this is a sign of too much light exposure; in this case, consider moving the plant to a shadier spot.

It is important that your spider plant receives eight to ten hours of sunlight each day. Spider plants are native to the tropical forests of South Africa, where they grow under the tree canopy.
Consequently, in its natural state, the plant received indirect lighting, medium to bright and partial shade from the trees' branches. Providing a similar environment to what the spider plant thrives in our space is crucial for it to flourish.
Symptoms of Not Enough Light for Spider Plants
Low lighting conditions are not a problem for the spider plant as it will still survive, but it will not grow as it should. Spider plants can wilt under poor lighting conditions.

Lighting is a crucial issue, so the plant should be moved to a bright area where it receives enough light. If your spider plant is not getting enough light, there are a few signs to look out for. These include:
- Yellowing of leaves
- Slow growth
- Root rot
- Weak leaves
- Soggy soil
- Unhealthy growth
Giving your spider plant more light is important if you see any of these signs. This can be done by placing it in a spot with more sunlight or using a grow light.
It is very important that your spider plant receives enough sunlight to produce enough food. Otherwise, it will not be able to produce any. Then, instead of focusing on the organism's growth, it will begin to store energy instead.
Symptoms of Spider Plant Getting Too Much Sun?
While spider plants are generally tolerant of a wide range of light conditions, they can suffer from sunburn if they are exposed to too much direct sunlight. There are a few signs that your spider plant is getting too much sun. These include:
- Droopy leaves
- Yellow leaves
- Brown tips
- Crisp leaves
- Curling of leaves
- Dry and greasy soil
- Leaf burn

A lighting problem could cause any of these signs. If you notice these causes, move your plant to a spot with less sun exposure. These signs cause some people to think that spider plants are not getting enough water, so they increase their watering.
Unfortunately, that doesn't solve anything. You can cause more problems for your plant this way. It is important to provide your spider plant with the right living conditions and to understand its needs.

In general, spider plants are considered to be low-light plants, meaning they don't require too much indirect light to be happy and grow. Too much direct sun, however, can be damaging and cause the plant to scorch.
Spider plants prefer bright, indirect light, like that coming through nearby windows, and should be placed a few feet away so the light is more diffuse.
About other lighting considerations, spider plants thrive in a more moderate climate and get along well with artificial lighting. Be sure not to position them too close to the tube lighting, as spider plants do not do well with too much direct light, no matter the type.
Read More About Propagation Of Spider Plant
The Intensity of the Light for a Spider Plant
The intensity of the light that the spider plant requires can vary depending on the situation. In general, the spider plant prefers medium to bright light, but you may need to experiment to find the right balance of light intensity for healthy growth.
Even though spider plants need no exact light intensity rate to receive optimum light, it's probably better to say 100 to 1000-foot candles are the right range. It is ideal for your spider plants to be exposed to medium and high light intensities between 100 and 1000.
Let's take a look at how light intensity is classified.
Direct sunlight
More than 10,000 lux; an intensity above 1000-foot candles. Therefore, spider plants should not be planted in places with light readings less than 25-foot candles. The ideal range for artificial lighting is 500 to 1000 foot of candles.
High bright light
500-1000 foot candles; 5000-10000 lux.
Low light
Between 25 and 100-foot candles; between 250 and 1000 lux.
1000-5000 lux; 100-500 foot candles.
Duration of light
In general, your spider plant should receive around 8-10 hours of indirect sunshine each day that is medium to bright, depending on the season. Sunlight can benefit spider plants, but you must be careful not to oversaturate them with light.
Plants require different levels of light throughout the day:
A six- to eight-hour light is necessary for spider plants during a short day. The spider plant light needs 8-14 hours of light during the long day. When natural light is not available, artificial lighting helps.
There is no doubt that 8 or 9 hours of artificial lighting would be effective for the plant, but it would be ineffective. For your spider plant to thrive, it is recommended that you provide them with extra light for at least 12 hours per day.
Does Spider Plant Grow with Artificial Light?
Spider plants can be grown with artificial light. However, it is important to choose the right type of artificial light and to provide the plant with the right amount of light. The plant will not grow well if you do not provide enough light.
Spider plants are incredibly adaptable, as you've probably already realized. Most lighting conditions suit them to grow in, except for long periods of direct sunlight exposure.
It is important to understand that artificial lighting is meant to make up for the lack of natural sunlight and light exposure. Spider plants can photosynthesize without adequate natural light with artificial lighting such as fluorescent light bulbs, LEDs, and grow lights.
Using Artificial Light Sources Requires You to Consider a Few Factors.
If you keep your plant under artificial light, be careful about how much water it consumes. The Spider only needs to be watered once a week. We've got just what you need if you want to avoid overwatering your plants.
Our self-watering planter is designed to help you keep your plants healthy and hydrated without worrying about overwatering them.
Here is additional information about "How Often to Water Spider Plants"
Planterhoma has a wide selection of self-watering planters to choose from. Whether you're looking for a small self-watering planter for your desktop or a larger one for your patio or garden, we have what you're looking for.
Lighting Temperature
It is necessary to use light bulbs with varying temperatures when growing plants. Spider Plants require full spectrum light, so white light or daylight bulbs of 6000k-6500k are recommended.
Quality and Distance
Plant growth will be balanced if a sufficient distance is maintained between the light source and the plant. It is important to keep the spider plants away from the light source to prevent them from drying out too quickly.
Ensure that a minimum distance of 12-24 inches is maintained between a Spider plant and a grow light that is more than 15 watts in power. In the case of a young spider plant, place it at least six to twelve inches closer to the source of light than if it is an older plant.
Red and blue light make up the spectrum of light that plants use for photosynthetic activity. Spider plants, for example, may require blue light or mixed light to have green leaves.
Direction of Light
Since artificial lighting does not provide the same amount of light as the Sun, grow lights must be focused only on the plant.
Regarding spider plants, the light needs to be focused on the plant rather than on the plant itself when it comes to the light source.
Even when exposed to natural sunlight, spider plants prefer indirect light over direct light. Your spider plant will grow better indoors if you provide it with such conditions.
You may want to limit the exposure of the grow lights to just 5 to 6 hours if you only have the space to focus your supplemental lighting directly on your spider plant. In this case, however, your spider plant cannot utilize the light to its full potential.
Your spider plant would not thrive. Nevertheless, it will survive if you don't transfer the spider plant to the ideal conditions for it to thrive in.
Lighting Tips for Spider Plant
Placing spider plants under indirect sunlight of medium to bright intensity will help grow the plant. Generally, Spider plants prefer exposure to bright and indirect sunlight for around 8-10 hours.
Though the plant can survive in a temperature as low as 35°F but for a thriving Spider plant, ensure that it is around 55-85°F. If the spider plant is not provided with bright or medium lighting, it will stay dormant for a long time.
Maintain a regular light schedule – To ensure healthy growth, maintain a consistent light level and light exposure routine for your spider plant rather than expose it to sudden changes.
These tips should help you get started with the right kinds of lighting for your spider plant. Providing your spider plant with enough sunlight and artificial lighting will ensure its flourishing.
Final Words
Spider plants are easy to care for as houseplants. When it comes to spider plant light requirements, spider plants need bright, indirect light. They tolerate anything from low to bright, indirect light and can even thrive in fluorescent light.
Direct sun exposure should be avoided, as it will cause the leaves to scorch, discolor, and even drop off. However, the plant will be perfectly happy and thrive if placed in partially shaded areas.
In addition, spider plants will do best when rotated so that all sides of the plant receive even amounts of light. By adhering to these guidelines, you can be sure that your spider plant will stay happy and healthy.
Can Spider Plants Live in Low Light?
Yes, spider plants can live in low light.
How Much Light Does a Spider Plant Require?
Spider plants grow best in bright, indirect sunlight. They can tolerate some direct sun, but too much sun can cause their leaves to be brown & burn. A spider plant requires moderate light.
Where Should I Put a Spider Plant in My House?
There is no definitive answer to this question since everyone's home is different, and there are many factors to consider when choosing the best location for a spider plant.
However, some general tips include placing the plant near a window where it can receive indirect sunlight in a room with moderate temperatures. A spider plant should be placed in a location that receives bright, indirect sunlight.
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